11.7. Cost Related Transactions

11.7.1. [M1P3] Sales

This transaction creates the following journal entries:

debit: accounts receivable
	credit: item cost

11.7.2. [M1P4] Sales Return

This transaction creates the following journal entries:

debit: item cost
	credit: accounts recivable
	credit: accounts payable

11.7.3. [M2P3] Purchase Receiving

The cost of the received item is the purchase cost. Running business logic processor produces the following general journal:

Debit: item cost
	Credit: accounts payable

11.7.4. [M2P4] Purchase Return

This transaction creates the following journal entries:

debit: accounts payable
	credit: accounts receivable
	credit: item cost

11.7.5. [M3P1] Physical Count

This transaction creates the following journal entries:

debit: item cost
	credit: gain on physical inventory


debit: loss on physical inventory
	credit: item cost

11.7.6. [M3P2] Item Transfer

This transaction generate general journal which reflects the cost and quantity of items being transfered between sites.

The materials or work-in-process items (referred to as component items throughout the documentation) required by work orders and outsourcings with component items shipped to subcontractors are also issued or returned on this screen. This explains the fact that the issue or return of component items does not affect the cost of their parent item. Instead, these actions only transfer the quantities and costs of component items between sites.

11.7.7. Decrease Of Item Quantity

Accounting personnel can manually enter journal on screen [Journal] like the following entries:

debit: loss
	credit: item cost