11.2. perpetual Costing versus Periodical Costing

This system supports perpetual inventory system. Periodic inventory system is not supported at the present time.

This system simutaneously determines both of the costs and quantities of items as a result of transactions rather than seperately.

Accounts "Purchase" and "Inventory" are to be set on screens [M4F3] and [M4F4].

Imagine a company owning multiple sites. The on hand quantity of item "X" is 0 at 09:59 on a specific day. The following transactions occurs on the same day:

  1. Transaction 1 occurs at 10:00 that item "X" is moved from bin "A" to bin "B".

  2. Transaction 2 occurs at 11:00 that item "X" is moved from bin "B" to bin "C".

The cost calculation business logic processors will certainly aborts due to the exception that the on hand quantity of item "X" being negative if the cost calculation business logic processors process transaction 2 before transaction 1. To avoid such exception, every user must follow these rules:

From the above analysis, it is obvious that periodic inventory system has no advantage over perpetual inventory system.