10.1. First Time Using Accounting Module

Follow this order to enter fundmental data for accounting module:

  1. Enter Initial Accounting Journal

    Enter initial accounting journal on screen [M4P1] with value 880 in field "Tx. Type#".

    Please refer to the example record of "Journal#" 1.

  2. [M4F1], [M4F2], [M4F3], [M4F4], [M4F5], [M4F6], [M4F7], [M4F8], [M4F9], [M4Fa], [M4Fb], [M4Fc], [M4Fd]

  3. Assuming today is 2012/12/15 and 2013/1/1 is the first day start using finance management module, please do the following tasks for every company:

    1. Enter on screen [M4P1] one opening journal whose transaction date being any day in December 2012. This must be done before 2013/1/1. This journal records the balances of all general accounts.

    2. Have every user get off line from PostERP and run business logic processor CloseAccounts before any transaction is entered by any user on or before 2013/1/1 and provide the following parameters to this business logic processor:

      Year: 2012

      Month: 12

      After business logic processor CloseAccounts finishes, an initial journal will be created whose journal date being 2013/1/1 00:00:00. This system is now welcoming its users' data entries to be started at 2013/1/1 09:00.